Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Infants

Today, Bilingu was angry at some of his Bilingu friends. They were dragging him to a dumb movie that starred, according to Bilingu, "Keanu Botox Reeves," and it was not going to be a good time.

I asked Bilingu why his friends had chosen such a movie if it is apparently so bad.

"Because they are infants!" He said.

I then told him that we don't say "infants" in that context in English, since infants can't sit up, or roll over, or really do anything of note.

Bilingu said, "In spanish speaking countries they do more stuff than there. We are very advanced human beings. Is not our fault your limitations."

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What does mean?

Bilingu is a good little learner, and he always likes to get things straight. For instance, Bilingu is always asking good questions to improve his vocabulary. He likes to say, confidently:

"What does mean?"

Monday, January 26, 2009

Even This One Bilingu Reads

Today I was chatting online with Bilingu and telling him I needed to update this blog. Then I started complaining that the last time I updated it he hadn't noticed because he hadn't been reading it.

"I read the whole thing," Bilingu typed. "Even the ones with the Prairy house."